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Decision-making by entering up to 300 criteria, 26 options (choices) or 1000 ratings.
Weighting of the criteria in 5 levels from “low” to “high”.
Evaluation of the criteria of each option in 10 levels, from negative “-5? over neutral “0? to positive “+5?.
Enter comments for each evaluation.
Calculation of each evaluation, in percentage terms from -100% to +100% and in words “negative / rather negative / neutral / rather positive / positive”.
Calculation of the decision of the best available option.
Graphical display as Bar Chart in order to compare the ratings of all the options.
Graphical display as Scatter Chart of the position of all the criteria for each option.
Graphical display as Radar Chart for a comparison of all the criteria and options of the entire project.
Tabular display as an overview of all the options, criteria and evaluations of the entire project.
Copying of the graphics to the clipboard and restoring them into a file (jpg, bmp, gif, tif).
Copying of the tables to the clipboard and storing them into a file (html, mht).
Direct printing of all reports.
Storage of each decision-making as a project into a file (dmh).
Data export as a tab-delimited file (txt), tabulated according to options or criteria.
Support by email in German and English.
Language : English
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