Solar House Numbers

First, you will want to find a location for your solar address sign and decide if you want a model that stakes into the ground or solar house numbers that will be mounted on a wall, gate, or fence. Look for a spot where the solar address sign will be easily visible from the front, facing the street. Choose a location for the solar house numbers so they are clearly associated with your house or building. If you have someone to help you position your solar address sign, have the person hold your solar house numbers up in that spot by hand, preferably after dark, so you can go to the sidewalk or street and see if the solar address sign can be easily seen and read from the street.

Make sure the solar house numbers are not in the way of anything

Make sure that the solar address sign is in a convenient location that will not be hit by anything nearby, such as a lawnmower, yard tools or a vehicle. You don’t want your solar house numbers to get knocked down or damaged.

Make sure the solar address sign will have enough sun

Once you have identified a good possible spot for your solar house numbers, check that location to see how much sun it gets. Look for objects, overhangs, downspouts, tree branches or anything that might cast shade on your solar address sign. Check the spot for your solar house numbers many times throughout a sunny day, to see if the sun will shine on your solar address sign as much as possible each day. Your solar address sign should get as many possible hours of sun per day so that its batteries will be fully recharged each day.

Put up your solar house numbers - staked

Now that you have found a good location for your solar address sign, if you are going to mount it staked, then attach the stakes to the solar house numbers and push them into the ground. Try to make sure that the solar address sign’s stakes are vertical, so that the solar house numbers are level, easily visible and facing the street. Push the solar address sign’s stakes into the ground by holding onto the stakes, not the sign.

Or - put up your solar house numbers - wall mounted

If you have decided to mount your solar address sign above ground instead, then make holes for the screws in the wall, fence or gate, making sure the solar house numbers are level and so that the solar address sign won’t jut out where you don’t want it to. Place the screws and securely mount your solar house numbers.

Congratulations ! You have now made it easier for people visiting your house and other houses nearby to identify your house number, since it has a bright, visible solar address sign on it ! Best of all, your solar house numbers do not require any wiring at all and are powered by the free power from the sun.
Solar House Numbers Solar House Numbers Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:45 AM Rating: 5

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