How does Google see SEO’s?

The current buzz for the last few years has been Search Engine Marketing. Everyone wants to know what it is and how to do it. Much in the same way that web design was the thing to learn in the late 90’s. Now, almost all web design agencies offer this service, and have been offering this service to their customers. There are Internet Marketing experts all over the world, but is this something that Google sees as unnatural and unethical – as it is a blatant manipulation of Google search results? This depends on the application.

If you are a spammer and your sole goal is to add duplicate content, door way pages, and other black hat content, then this will be seen by Google as bad, because it does not benefit the user in any way and just adds to the growing list of thousands of pages that are irrelevant and have no value. But if you are adding relevant and original content on a regular basis, this can be quite useful, especially if you are writing for the user in mind, as it holds a certain value and will carry more chance of being picked and displayed in the search engine results pages.

Google only cares about presenting the users with the results that they are looking for, the more relevant the result, the better. Google has numerous algorithms in place whose sole job is to sort out relevant content and display it in the index of websites held in datacenters all over the world.

Also, if the content that has been created engages the user in some sort of way then this can also earn you extra brownies points as it makes your site sticky and get users visiting more often and for longer. Google wants websites to have some sort of function and not just sit there becoming stale and obsolete. If this rule can be followed, there is very little chance of Google ever having any problems with so called “SEO’s” and they can continue to add quality to the growing number of websites that are online and being accessed as we speak.
How does Google see SEO’s? How does Google see SEO’s? Reviewed by Anonymous on 5:35 PM Rating: 5

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