Don' t Play With Fire

Fires do and will occur in homes across Queensland. That is way you must educate yourself and your child about fire safety and, more importantly, what to do in case of a fire emergency. This knowledge can save their life and yours.

Recommended Packages for The Home
  • a fire extinguisher, dry chemical powder.
  • a fire blanket.
  • smoke alarm/s.
Safety Hints

To safeguard your family against hazards when using electric blankets:
  • ensure that they are checked regularly by an authorized electrician.
  • switch on to "warm bed" only and ensure that the blanket is switched off before going to bed.
  • always check electric blankets before winter.
  • ensure that there are no creases in the blanket, as the electric wiring may be affected.
Don' t Play With Fire Don' t Play With Fire Reviewed by Anonymous on 8:51 AM Rating: 5

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